Canada's First Green MP

We said that we would like to be in the televised leader’s debates because we received over 650,000 votes in the last general election from ridings throughout Canada. They said sorry, you have to have a Green MP.

We said that our poll results had more than doubled since the last election, that we had more support than the Bloc Quebecois and that we were in a virtual national tie with the NDP. They said sorry, you have to have a Green MP.

We said that more than ¾ of Canadians believed the Green Party should be included in the debates. They said sorry, you have to have a Green MP.

And so now we have a Green MP as demanded.

When confronted with political power games designed to subvert the democratic process you can either howl about the unfairness of it all or you can find a way to fight back. By accepting the offer of a sitting MP to join our party just days before a general election is called, the Green Party has shown that when backed into a corner, we chose to fight back.

Ard Van Leeuwen (Dufferin-Caledon, ON)

Hill Times editor on May in debates: "technicalities to resolve"

Right after the live broadcast on CBC Newsworld, the news anchor asked an editor of The Hill Times (the newspaper that covers parliamentary affairs) his comments on the televised debates issue.

His response was that there was technicalities to resolve first.

**** There are no technicalities!!!! Its a committee of 5 TV network senior editors who decide. That's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****

Julien Lamarche, Ottawa-Vanier Greens
E-mail and Google Talk: Julien Lamarche
Y! chat: drjlamarche

Calling all Ont GPC candidates: Get photo with Elizabeth, Blair

Calling all Ontario GPC candidates for the upcoming federal election. Get your photo today with Elizabeth May, Blair Wilson and Mike Nagy!!

Meet Canada’s first Green MP in Guelph today (Sunday, August 31)! Blair Wilson, the former independent MP who is now the Green Party’s first MP in Parliament, comes to Guelph with Elizabeth May to support Mike Nagy’s campaign.

Don't miss your chance to be one of the first people to meet Blair and welcome him to the party! Arrive any time after 11 am and canvass a poll for Mike and experience the best run Green Party campaign ever! Bring a Green Party shirt.

Don't miss the rally and reception to welcome Blair to the party. Meet Blair, welcome him, and get a picture with Mike, Blair and Elizabeth!

4:30 pm Sunday August 31 (get there early!)

Rally to support Mike Nagy and welcome Blair Wilson to the Green Party -- with leader Elizabeth May

73 Gordon St., Guelph, ON (corner of Gordon & Wellington) see Google map,+guelph&sll=43...

Watch the Press Conference at
it's 11:37

CTV interview with Elizabeth May:

CTV interview with Blair Wilson:

Excellent videos!

Thanks for the links!

Well said, Ard!

The howling and moaning has begun on some NDP blogs. Funny how they're all for proportional representation and all against corporate media manipulation except when it benefits their opponents.

It needs to be remembered just who the "they" are that have been working so hard to keep Elizabeth out of the debates. "They" are the Broadcast Consortium, a group of television network executives. The rules for the debates are set not by Elections Canada but by an old boys' network. In 2000, that consortium included Global TV's Peter Kent, who later ran for the CPC. So much for fairness and neutrality!

Let's see what new rule they'll pull out their a$$es to try keeping Elizabeth off the debate platform now.

Jim Elve
Communications Chair
The views expressed here are mine alone and are not the official position of the Green Party of Canada.

The Fighting Mode

Yes, it is great that Blair Wilson (Independent MP) has "crossed the floor" (and out of the building) to join the Green Party. Finally we will have a chance to show our Vision Green to the population through the media.

I rather think that this "fight back" mentality is not what we need. I know you likely did not mean it so literally, Mr. Van Leeuwen, but I want to comment that what brought me to the Green Party was partly my absolute disgust at the childish antics that go on in our legislatures and parliaments. I see bullying and political games being played in the name of representing my views. When there are various perspectives on what is good for a nation and various core value belief systems, there is bound to be disagreement and argument. It is part of a competititve society that allows us to choose what is "good" and "right" for all. Part of the problem is that all is relevant, so these terms move us away from any consensus model of considering what is "best" for the average Canadian.

I do hope that the Green Party stands for a less partisan view of governance. We should not have to "fight" for what we believe IF indeed our core values are self-evident or have some relationship to "common-sense". The core values of the Green Party, for me seem to be almost self-evident, but it is what follows that is debated - how you determine goals and objectives (policies)to reach defined Mission of Vision statements.

We will emerge through reaching the people through the media. Going Green means some sacrifice and incorporating a value system that sees us as stewards of our earth. I don't much want to fight over this. I hope that we incorporate a value system around how we communicate our message and how we work with other political parties, so that our report card will read, "Johnny Green gets along well with others...".

Go Green in Lumby!

Conservatives: May will still not be in the debates

If you're following the live coverage on CBC, you will have seen a Conservative representative, I believe the PMO spokesperson, stating that Ms. May will NOT be in the debates because the Green and Liberal Party are essentially the same. He said, in fact, that Mr. Dion could choose between being in the debate himself, or having Ms. May there.

I expect this position to change as the Cons seek out a reason to exclude Ms. May that will not make them look TOO hypocritical and scared. One of the questions thrown at the spokesperson by a reporter was that it looked like the men were scared, were trying to hide something, by excluding the lone woman who wanted to talk about the environment.

Brian Gordon
Nominated Candidate, Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca
Green Party of Canada

Trained Presenter
An Inconvenient Truth

People - Planet - Prosperity
The New Green Economy


"....a Conservative representative, I believe the PMO spokesperson, stating that Ms. May will NOT be in the debates because the Green and Liberal Party are essentially the same"

So the current government not only pretends not to know who the other parties are, they also think they get to control who goes on the televised debate. Yeah, that's really great.

At this point if they try to keep the GPC out of the debates I think that would be unconstitutional.

Emma Stangl
CEO, Don Valley West EDA

Stating that a said party

Stating that a said party cannot be in the leaders debate because they are the same as another party is about the most ludicrous, petty thing that could have been said. This sounds like the excuse of an eight year old ring leader to not let someone into their tree house: "No, you can't come in cause we already have one Homer." Hilarious. Who needs sit-coms when we can just sit back and watch the conservatives put their foot in their mouth. Oh man that is hilarious.

I cried

And I'm not ashamed to say it... :)


Calling off the by-election to block our Leader from the debate was Harpers last chance. Now they resort to this. They had to have been planning on this news, I don't see them coming up with that response off the cuff.

I am getting ready for the ride of my life.

John Paul Appleman

Conservative Position

I agree, this is probably something that the Conservatives have been prepared for, but the fact that their anxiety is STILL showing through says something too.

Liberal and Green are the same! What are they kidding? Choose between Stephane Dion and Elizabeth May! Did I read that right? As though they had the authority to say such things! I think we can expect things from the Conservatives to get even more ridiculous and desperate (not to mention despotic-sounding!) in the next few days.

Well, if Layton still doesn't want Elizabeth in the debates and if Dion and Duceppe do want her in, then there's always the option of leaving Harper and Layton on the stage by themselves and hosting the REAL debates ourselves. Oooooooh, won't that look good on ol' Jack!


-- Brandon in Thunder Bay

I am a proud Canadian who

I am a proud Canadian who has watched the elections and the political games in between the elections of the past few years with absolute disgust.

As a teacher, I found it very hard to find positives when explaining to my students why a political party bent on destroying our country and only running in one area could be in the leader's debates while a party that generated such a large proportion of the popular vote, ran candidates in all the ridings of our country, and was advocating policies to improve our country was excluded.

I found it equally difficult to explain to my students why political parties with such a small portion of support from eligiable voters won such a large number of seats while other parties recieved such a small (if any) number of seats. Yes those parties recieved a smaller percentage of the popular vote but were their policies and beliefs ever truly represented in parliament?

As a realistic adult I recognize that the traditional policial parties have stopped asking the question, "How may I serve?" and replaced the question with, "How can I increase my power base?" I have become very frustrated and cynical as I have watched the political manouverings of our country's leaders. Nowhere have I seen evidence of responsible government and stewardship with the exception of the Green Party of Canada.

Since hearing Elizabeth May speak so passionately at the Green Living Confrence in Toronto a year and a half ago. I have watched the progress of the party and its fight to be recognized by the powers to be, both in government and in the corporate headquarters of our country's media. What has truly impressed me has been the honest way that the party has worked to be successful. As a result of what I have seen over the past few years I have decided to do more than just vote Green. As the Green Party enters this next election, I have decided to start being part of the solution to bring change to our ailing political system. I have joined the party and now ask the question, how may I serve?

Welcome Mr. Christopher Nor

Wow! You just did!

Thank you for that post I am excited politically for the first time in many years as we stand poised to make history and reclaim citizens rights and end party rule at all costs!
My only daughter is also a school teacher and like you and many other Canadians she is waking up to the obvious media and party control perpetrated against what should be the real power in this country Citizens !

Cheers Sir

(disclaimer:do not be confused and think shavluk is the green party talking...hahha)

Blair Wilson will be a good voice

We need Green voices to be independent and work legislation by legislation. Blair Wilson has a good voting record on the environment as I see by going through how he voted both as a liberal and as an independent. He voted against the extension of the mission in Afghanistan (to my personal relief and thanks), he voted against minimum sentences which I appreciate. We've outmanoevered the opposition by being strong, principled where it counts and have shown that we will play the flaws of the FPTP system to prove we need change. (by this I mean not being afraid to split the vote.) Harper may have simply reached the end of his ability to manipulate and outstrategized himself.

Very few other independents would have done what Blair is doing. Choosing to make an impact to hopefully change the system at a time when change is on people's mind. It's time for the traditional parties to give it up already. The NDP have had their shot for over 40 years and have been spinning their wheels unless now they take a bold run at forming government. The Greens will continue to push against the resistance in Ottawa. It's important to keep pushing at the gate until it opens. Not everyone will agree with the Green message but at least now they get to hear it in direct contrast to the others. Now people will hear the message that the other parties have clearly been trying to prevent Canadians from hearing for the last five years.

Its now about how we handle ourselves in the House with a small first entry. If we can resist being overwhelmed and balance our approach then we'll make the biggest impact in politics in the subsequent general election that Canadians have ever seen. There is nothing but hope ahead when people see the Green Vision in more detail.

This blog reflects my personal opinion.
It is not official Green Party Policy.

Nominated Candidate/Trinity-Spadina, Toronto

1st Green MP - Now let's elect more!

He is not the first elected Green MP. We will wait to see if that will happen in the next federal election. I'm confident it will happen. He is however, the first Green MP in Canada! Last time I checked, the Green Party was inclusive - not exclusive - welcoming new members and supporters all the time. Mr Wilson obviously finds the Green Party attractive. Maybe it's the list of seven green values, or policies on other areas. After all, the Greens are about more than just the environment.

Wilson resigned from the Liberal caucus last fall after allegations of spending irregularities in his 2006 campaign. He was cleared by Elections Canada this summer of any improprieties following an eight-month investigation, and May said he shared "deep and detailed" financial information with the Green party over the past week that proves his innocence.

- - -

The blog section of the GPC website is a place for GPC members to share their personal opinions and views. The views I express here are my own and are not the official position of the Green Party of Canada.

Not quite cheering, yet

I hate to rain on the parade, but I am still very apprehensive about the Blair Wilson stunt. Here is why:

1. It's a small victory when the inclusion in the debates, something that the GPC has worked hard for over many years, will come from a technicality. The success of the GPC comes from being principled and from being right. This new twist communicates to Canada that our principles are not enough.

2. I am Blair's constituent and I have not been impressed with his performance, before and after the allegations. In June 2007, he sent a newsletter to our house which was full of highly partisan rhetoric and shallow attacks against the Conservatives. There was no space dedicated to communicating ideas or constructive dialogue about any issues. I was thoroughly disappointed. I sent an e-mail to Blair about my concerns and never received a response. GPC MPs must operate very differently than the Blair that I know.

3. I can understand that the allegations against Blair could have been politically motivated, but it seems far fetched that they were completely baseless. In fact, he was cleared of most, not all, counts in the Elections Canada investigation. I have not seen him taking responsibility or apologizing for his role in the remaining problems. Clearly, this has impacted his constituents. While people may disagree with the determination of the Liberal Green-Light committee, few seem to disagree that Blair left out important information on his declaration. GPC members and candidates should be especially forthcoming and need to be of high moral character! As constituents, we have seen a barrage of accusations and factoids about Blair since the story broke. It seems odd that Elizabeth May can get to the bottom of it all over dinner with Blair. If she did, I'd like to see a full report about all those details and how they hang together. This would help to re-establish the ability to trust our MP.

4. I seem to have lost my opportunity to nominate a candidate for our riding, which is especially problematic given Blair's circumstances. I have just spent hours upon hours informing myself about the many GPC motions to be voted on at the upcoming convention. This took a lot of time away from my family, but I felt that it was justified because the GPC is a grassroots party. But the nomination was waived so easily.

5. It's been a week, and to my knowledge, I have not been contacted by Blair, Elizabeth May, or anyone else from the GPC about this development. No one has asked for my support, explained why this was a necessary action, or apologized for the impact that this will have on our riding. It feels that GPC members in this riding are pawns in a political game.

Allegations are just that, people can change, and people can become Green. I understand that and I welcome Blair's transition. But he will have to work hard to gain the trust of GPC members in this riding who will have to vote for him. I don't want to be conflicted about voting Green for a candidate that I don't trust.


Wilson was cleared by EC. The entire Con Party is not.

Hi Andreas,
Yes, inclusion in the debates may very well come from this technicality of now having a sitting MP but exclusion from the debates was also just a technicality on the same grounds. We were forced to meet the requirements or sit out another 4 years.

Blair was under investigation by Elections Canada and was cleared by Elections Canada. In contrast, the entire Conservative Party is under investigation by Elections Canada for their in-out scandal but have not been cleared (and very likely will never be cleared).

Inclusion in the debates is, by some calculations, worth millions of dollars of advertising. It could lift the GPC's national support by a few percentage points all on it's own. If that turns out to be true I hope/trust that will soon enough be reason to cheer.

Ard Van Leeuwen (Dufferin-Caledon, ON)

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